Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Rebar Madness: Day 1

I have a wonderful challenge. I am going to attempt to cook my way through the entire Rebar cookbook. I'm not sure how long it will take me, and I'm not going to worry about that part...let's just say it will be less than ten years...or so. It'll be like Julie and Julia, only Rebar and Emma...I guess. ANYWAY,

My first recipe was breakfast this morning. I made fried eggs and potatoe latkes with hollandaise sauce. It was actually suppose to be poached eggs, but we don't have an egg poacher and the egg I tried to poach without one kind of exploded.

The hollandaise recipe had dill in it and it was TO DIE FOR.

Paired with a yummy blueberry smoothy, this was an excellent breakfast.

For supper I made 'Lotusland Linguini'. Super delicious stir fry with bok choy, snow peas and peanut sauce...ahhh...Posted by Picasa

My favourite part is that it was so colourful! I love having a rainbow in the kitchen :)

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A very tasty day all round :)


  1. It was a tasty day indeed! I'll do kitchen cleanup anytime if someone else is making meals this good!

  2. Sounds and looks delicious, Emma. I will gladly come and do clean up for a beautiful meal like this.

  3. Aha, an even better scenario for me, Mom.. :)
